Zoom on

Chaque semaine, découvrez un membre du réseau MabDesign avec le « Zoom On » ! Un coup de projecteur sur un membre, son expertise ou une offre de services, pour créer de nouvelles opportunités de collaboration dans la filière des biomédicaments et de la bioproduction.

ZOOM ON – PD-Value – MabDesign

Who are you?

PD-value provides modeling & simulation services for pharmaceutical clients, using pharmacometrics and systems biology approaches. Our modelers with diverse backgrounds offer support for smarter drug development of small molecules, antibodies, and new modalities.

#Modeling & Simulation


#Drug development

What is your expertise?

We create value for our clients, by integrating biological and clinical data over time, biomarkers, species and clinical endpoints. PD-value, by focusing on our clients’ need, supports their drug development programs and take their projects to the next milestone in the diverse therapeutic fields and modalities.

What are your key products or services?

We provide purpose-built and state-of-the-art modeling services in pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PK-PD), physiology-based PK (PBPK), quantitative systems pharmacology (QSP) and systems biology covering the fields of oncology, neuroscience, immunology, metabolic diseases, cardiovascular, and more.

Vous souhaitez en savoir plus?

Jeroen Elassaiss-Schaap

Chief Executive Officer


+31 623 118 438


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