Conectus is a Society of Acceleration of Technology transfer (SATT), operating for and on behalf of all public research organizations on Alsace territory. Our main goal is to invest in R&D projects, generate or reinforce patentable results and facilitate transfer of technologies to industry.
#Licensing opportunity
#Gene Therapy
#Fragile X syndrome
What is your expertise ?
Conectus team, expert in technology maturation and transfer, invested into a R&D program initiated by IGBMC in Strasbourg. The research team is an expert in Fragile X syndrome (FXS) and is working on the search for new therapeutic solutions for this syndrome. Recently, they have identified a new therapeutic target directly implicated in FXS.
What is GETEX program ?
Development of a gene therapy to treat FXS: We’ve patented the therapeutic approach on this innovative target and invested into in-vivo POC experiments with very good results on phenotype and biomarkers. We are looking for a partner to continue the development, in collaboration with the inventor.
Vous souhaitez en savoir plus?
Céline Nadin
Business Developer
+33 (0) 6 09 79 06 13

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