Zoom on

Chaque semaine, découvrez un membre du réseau MabDesign avec le « Zoom On » ! Un coup de projecteur sur un membre, son expertise ou une offre de services, pour créer de nouvelles opportunités de collaboration dans la filière des biomédicaments et de la bioproduction.

ZOOM ON – Conectus – MabDesign

Conectus is a Society of Acceleration of Technology transfer (SATT), operating for and on behalf of all public research organizations on Alsace territory. Our main goal is to invest in R&D projects, generate or reinforce patentable results and facilitate transfer of technologies to industry.

#Licensing opportunity

#Gene Therapy

#Fragile X syndrome

What is your expertise ?

Conectus team, expert in technology maturation and transfer, invested into a R&D program initiated by IGBMC in Strasbourg. The research team is an expert in Fragile X syndrome (FXS) and is working on the search for new therapeutic solutions for this syndrome. Recently, they have identified a new therapeutic target directly implicated in FXS.

What is GETEX program ?

Development of a gene therapy to treat FXS: We’ve patented the therapeutic approach on this innovative target and invested into in-vivo POC experiments with very good results on phenotype and biomarkers. We are looking for a partner to continue the development, in collaboration with the inventor.

Vous souhaitez en savoir plus?

Céline Nadin

Business Developer


+33 (0) 6 09 79 06 13


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