

Clean Cells, a partner in an innovative project: “HybridADCC”

2 January 2018

Clean Cells, a partner in an innovative project: “HybridADCC”

Clean Cells and its partners – OSE Immunotherapeutics SA, INSERM UMR1232/CNRSERL6001, the MicroPiCell platform– have been granted with a €2,4M funding from the Fonds Unique Interministériel (FUI – cofunding from BpiFrance & the Pays de la Loire region) for a 36-month innovative project: “HybridADCC”.

This collaborative project, supported by Atlanpole Biotherapies biocluster, aims at developing a standardised ADCC (Antibody Dependent Cell-mediated Cytotoxicity) assay for testing mouse monoclonal antibodies in a human in vitro context, through the use of a hybrid human/mouse technology. The goal is to identify new antibodies and new therapeutic targets in the huge mouse antibody reservoir before moving these hints forward the human therapeutic field.

To know more