Clean Cells, a partner in an innovative project: “HybridADCC”
Clean Cells and its partners – OSE Immunotherapeutics SA, INSERM UMR1232/CNRSERL6001, the MicroPiCell platform– have been granted with a €2,4M funding from the Fonds Unique Interministériel (FUI – cofunding from BpiFrance & the Pays de la Loire region) for a 36-month innovative project: “HybridADCC”.
This collaborative project, supported by Atlanpole Biotherapies biocluster, aims at developing a standardised ADCC (Antibody Dependent Cell-mediated Cytotoxicity) assay for testing mouse monoclonal antibodies in a human in vitro context, through the use of a hybrid human/mouse technology. The goal is to identify new antibodies and new therapeutic targets in the huge mouse antibody reservoir before moving these hints forward the human therapeutic field.