Zoom on

Chaque semaine, découvrez un membre du réseau MabDesign avec le « Zoom On » ! Un coup de projecteur sur un membre, son expertise ou une offre de services, pour créer de nouvelles opportunités de collaboration dans la filière des biomédicaments et de la bioproduction.

ZOOM ON – Bruker Biosensors

Who are you?

We push the boundaries of molecular interaction analysis and provide technologies that enable flexible assays and deliver comprehensive biophysical insights: from high-throughput screening of small molecules, antibodies, and more, to in-depth functional assays and direct analysis on living cells.




What is your expertise?

  • Binding kinetics
  • Screening
  • Specificity and selectivity analysis
  • Avidity analysis
  • Ternary complex formation
  • Thermodynamics
  • Protein quantification
  • Mode-of-action studies
  • Conditional binding (e.g. pH-dependent binding)
  • Epitope characterization (e.g. Epitope binning)
  • Conformational changes
  • Nucleic acid enzyme binding and activity

What are your key products or services?

  • scIC: binding kinetics directly on cells for membrane targets like GPCRs and ion channels.
  • switchSENSE®: complex kinetic characterizations like bispecifics, PROTACs, molecular glues, conformational changes.
  • SPR: flexibility and high-throughput, e.g. for multiplexing, crude samples and fragment screenings.

Vous souhaitez en savoir plus?

Stéphane Pinhal

Technical Sales Manager


+33 (0)6 02 94 10 69


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