Innovation funding

Innovation funding

Support for obtaining non-dilutive funding

Financing your innovation is a vital step in your company’s development. Nevertheless, developing an effective funding strategy requires not only time, but also a good knowledge of funding agencies, calls for projects and how they work.

MabDesign’s innovation financing team will support you throughout the entire process of obtaining funding: from assessing the maturity of your projects, guiding you towards the most appropriate calls for projects (AAPs), to assisting you in putting together your application and managing your project.

We can help you benefit from our experience with calls for projects and their guidelines, as well as our expertise in the biomedical sector and our network of contacts. Each accompaniment is tailor-made to develop a and optimize your chances of success in the acquisition of non-dilutive funds.

Entrusting your financing strategy to us saves youtime by limiting the burden on your internal resources. You’ll also benefit from an expert, objective view of your project, and optimize your chances of success in your search for public funding.

Our added-value

  • Technical expertise in the biotherapy sector and related calls for projects
  • A know-how that spans over our entire range of services
  • A comprehensive network of companies and institutions specializing in biotherapies
  • The advantage of being able to derisk your projects upstream of the application process

MabDesign is delighted to have supported three members of the industry in raising public funds in 2023:
Brenus Pharma
, StemInov and StromaCare. We wish them every success as they pursue their promising careers!

Our tailor-made services

The MabDesign team will first carry out an in-depth audit of your company to assess the maturity of your innovation projects, and guide you towards the most suitable financing options. After the audit and orientation stages, MabDesign provides you with personalized support for your project application, to optimize your chances of success.


financement innovation ; audit ; appels à projets, AAPs

The purpose of the audit is to accurately assess the maturity of your company (date of creation, size, funds raised, capital available, etc.) and your various innovation or building projects .

It serves as a basis for personalized guidance towards the calls for projects best suited to your projects and stage of development. This audit also enables us to evaluate your partnership project so that we can provide you with the best possible guidance.

After an audit, and thanks to our active monitoring, we can direct you towards the most appropriate non-dilutive financing options to support and secure your company’s growth, by obtaining subsidies or repayable advances.

Active watch

Calls for projects have been specifically designed to encourage companies to innovate: these public grants will enable you to obtain non-dilutive financing in the form of honorary loans, grants or repayable advances.

Among these incentives, it is sometimes difficult to identify the right call for projects (individual, collaborative or competition) at the right time.

MabDesign uses its expertise to guide you towards the most relevant calls for projects for your innovation and your company.

Preparing an Application file

Once you’ve identified the right call for projects, MabDesign will support you every step of the way,from structuring your project, to preparing for your presentation, to putting together and submitting your application.

  • Provide you recommendations upstream the ideation of your project (help with the definition/structure of your project)
  • Structuring partnerships
  • Consortium management (organization of meetings, minutes, etc.)
  • Oral presentation preparation sessions
  • Drafting of the response to the call for projects (technical and financial) up to submission, in line with the expectations of the target scheme: critical review of the scientific, competitive and commercial data in your narrative.
  • MabDesign supports you after submission to answer questions from funders, right through to obtaining funding.

Critical review

You’ve put your project together yourself, but would like an expert opinion before submitting it? MabDesign offers you a critical review to finalize and strengthen your application.

Support and follow-up

financement innovation ; suivi ; accompagnement ;

The provision of a MabDesign employee specialized in project management for the duration of your project, in order to manage the administrative, financial and contractual terms and conditions in liaison with the funding bodies:

  • Communication and results dissemination
  • Management of funded projects: administrative, financial and contractual management

Our other services

Make the most of MabDesign’s expertise by combining different service offers!

In combination with a support service for your financing strategy, a market study, for example, can strengthen your case and increase your chances of success in a call for projects.

Our other services

Support in setting up calls for projects

To support you in your non-dilutive fundraising, we offer several customized services to secure and grow your business without diluting your capital.

  • Provide you recommendations upstream the ideation of your project (help with the definition/structure of your project)
  • Structuring partnerships
  • Consortium project management (organization of meetings, meeting minutes, etc.)
    • Additional services
      • administrative, financial and contractual management of funded projects
      • Application for labeling with competitiveness clusters
  • Assist you in setting up and submitting the technical and financial files in accordance with the expectations of the targeted call for projects
  • Proofreading
  • Oral coaching


  • Meeting minutes
  • Application file
  • Oral presentation support

Orientation towards adapted non-dilutive financing windows

Funding your innovation is a risk that can be bordered. In particular, there are French public aids that will allow you to obtain non-dilutive funding in the form of honorary loans, subsidies or repayable advances, etc. A number of government grants have been specifically designed to foster French companies to innovate.

These public aids are eligible to all companies with a registered entity in France, whether it’s their headquarters or not. We can help you identify the best suited calls for projects (AAPs) to fund your innovation with regards to the maturity of your company and your R&D project.

Due diligence of your business

Innovation is a key leverage to grow your business and more broadly our national economy.

This step will allow you to assess the maturity of your company (date of creation, size, funds raised, capital available, etc.) and evaluate your innovation project with regards to the fundraising you are considering.

It enables you to investigate your partnership project’s feasibility for us to guide you as best as possible.

This service is pro bono and eligible to all companies with a registered company in France, whether it’s their headquarters or not.


  • A list of regional or national calls for projects for which your company is eligible
  • Subscribe to our newsletter