Marketing analysis & strategic consulting

Marketing analysis & strategic consulting

Identify, define and understand your ecosystem

In a sector as complex and innovative as biomedicine and biomanufacturing, market research is a crucial stage in the development of your project. It is also a powerful tool for supporting all stages of your company’s development

Our dedicated business intelligence team, made up of senior consultants with complementary scientific and business skills, can advise you on your development strategy at every level, with tailor-made market studies: identifying your target marketsanalyze the competitionevaluate the receptivity market to your product or service, understand the latest trends and innovationsetc.

Our added-value

  • A dedicated team of senior consultants
  • A broad network of members and more than 6,500 qualified contacts
  • Cutting-edge scientific expertise in biomedicines and biomanufacturing
  • Expertise in patent analysis and intellectual property
  • A proprietary tool compiling specialized databases
  • Agile, personalized support throughout your project
Expertise in biomedicines & biomanufacturing
biomédicaments ; biothérapies
Network of KOLs, experts and manufacturers
études de marché
support provided
+ 0
Intellectual property expertise
études de marché

Our tailor-made services

Flash Analysis

Drawing on our scientific, business and intellectual property expertise, MabDesign’s market research offer is built around three essential analytical building blocks : market, innovation and positioning. By combining some or all of these building blocks, we can build a customized study, and then develop a fully personalized strategic plan for your project.

Quantitative analysis of all key market data:

  • Market size and future development
  • Segmentation and targeting of interest segments
  • Identifying new markets
  • Major stakeholders and value chain
  • Competitive analysis (with patent vision)
  • Trends and challenges
  • Etc.

An in-depth analysis of your project’s scientific and technical environment:

Qualitative interviews with experts/potential customers to assess receptivity and define the best positioning:

  • Defining your target market
  • Current practices and market needs
  • Interest in a product/offer
  • Technical barriers
  • Levers and obstacles
  • Competitive advantages
  • Etc.
étude de marché

Based on one or more of these analyses, MabDesign elaborates a personalized strategic plan with recommendations that can be directly implemented according to your needs: roadmap, SWOT, decision tree, key success factors, etc.

Market Flash

Designed to be fast and economical, MabDesign’s Market Flash market study helps innovative project leaders in the initial phases of market exploration and validation .

It aims to assess the viability of a technology for development and market entry: it’s a preliminary analysis to evaluate the potential of an offer, a product or a technology. It provides a good basis for sounding out the market in the early stages of a project, before moving on to a more in-depth study .

Our proprietary tool

Our proprietary BIIP (Business Intelligence and Intellectual Property) tool compiles databases specific to the biopharmaceutical and biomanufacturing sectors.

It enables you to obtain raw data quickly and cost-effectively within a given scope: list of patents, products marketed or under development in a given indication, etc.

Our other services

Make the most of MabDesign’s expertise by combining different service offers!

In combination with a market study, the MabDesign team can, for example, offer you a technology and/or competition watch, to ensure regular monitoring of the key information gathered by the study.

Our market research services can also be combined with support in financing your innovation, where they are an asset in putting together your business case.

Our other services

Sectoral studies

MabDesign draws on its expertise in the biomedical and biomanufacturing sector to help public-sector players understand the industry and create an ecosystem conducive to business development.

MabDesign’s aim is to create value and support players in the economic development of their regions. To achieve this, MabDesign draws on its in-depth knowledge of the sector, as well as on a European network of experts involved in the development of this innovative and dynamic sector.


  • Ecosystem mapping and characterization
  • Multidimensional strategic roadmap: Industrial, Technology, External Environment, Human Resources, Financing, etc.
  • Monitoring of key industry development indicators: challenges, opportunities, etc.

Positioning of therapeutic modalities

The positioning of new therapeutic modalities is complex, and MabDesign has developed a multi-dimensional methodology for identifying the most interesting therapeutic indications for a technology platform.

This unique know-how is supported by a European network of experts involved in the development of the sector, as well as business intelligence tools.

The positioning of new therapeutic modalities integrates a variety of data: scientific, competitive, market and epidemiological.


  • Comparative analysis of targeted indications
  • Prioritization of these indications
  • Value proposition for examined indications

Market receptivity & Strategic positioning

When an innovative project is under development, it is essential to position it in its environment and develop a value proposition aligned with the needs of potential customers.

Mabdesign can help you identify and quantify your target market and propose an operational plan to optimize the deployment of your strategy and meet your objectives.

MabDesign has developed a unique expertise and methodology for combining quantitative and qualitative data. In fact, MabDesign relies on a European network of experts involved in the development of the sector, as well as on business intelligence tools.


  • Precise, defensible quantitative data
  • Perspective on which market segments fit your project
  • Insights from experts and KOLs
  • Synthetic analysis of results
  • Tailor-made recommendations and action plan

Analysis of your product and/or service environment

The biomedical environment is constantly changing, and MabDesign has developed a range of services to help players in the industry to understand and integrate this ecosystem into their strategy.

The environment includes several dimensions: External environment (identifying the external factors that have an impact on your business), Competitive environment (identifying and characterizing your direct and indirect competitors), and so on.

MabDesign relies on business intelligence tools to ensure comprehensive, up-to-date data.


  • Mapping and characterization of the competitors
  • Characterization of the factors likely to impact your business and your development
  • Key success factors

Flash Analysis

Short in duration and low in cost, the Flash analysis supports innovative project leaders in the early stages of market exploration and validation.

It’s a preliminary study to assess a technology’s ability to develop and penetrate a market. The Flash Analysis is a real sounding board on the potential markets for an innovation.

The report is based on both quantitative and qualitative data, processed by a proprietary artificial intelligence tool.


  • Dashboard with key market information

  • Graphical representation of results

  • Strengths & Weaknesses report of your project